
Friday 7 January 2011


En Speech drafted for Political Deputy Minister Lai

Director Young,  / 楊處長,
American Institute in Taiwan / 美國在台協會
Mr. James Felte,  / 吉姆費特先生,
Prosecutor, U.S. Department of Justice / 美國司法部檢察官,
Ms. Panadda Changmanee, / Panadda Changmanee女士,
Regional Director, Oxfam Quebec International / Oxfam 魁北克國際施
Mr. Navuth Ya, / Navuth Ya先生,
Executive Director, Caram Cambodia /柬埔寨Caram組織,執行董事,
Scholars and Experts who are concerned about human trafficking, Agency and Group Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen Good Morning: / 關心人口販運的專家學者、機構和組織代表、各位女士先生,大家早安:

The prevention of human trafficking is difficult and profoundly challenging, because it often occurs around us but we have been unable to see it. It can be easily overlooked and allowed to occur again and again. As a result, the number of human trafficking victims keeps going up and human dignity has constantly been trampled. This is why we hope that today through this seminar we are able to exchange what we have learned and our ideas and through international exchanges we are able to establish a cross-border cooperative network to jointly deal with human trafficking—a transnational criminal activity. I want to emphasize that human trafficking is different from the usual criminal cases. It is because it not only hurts a person’s life and property, but also is the most severe form of exploitation and destruction of human nature – an act of modern slavery. For all of your efforts dedicated to the fight against human trafficking, I would like to salute and thank you all. / 防制人口販運是艱辛的和極大的挑戰,因為它經常發生在我們週遭但卻難以洞見。它可能很容易就會被人們忽略因而讓它一再發生。結果,人口販運被害人的人數一直上升,而人性的尊嚴也經常被踐踏。這正是為什麼我們祈盼今天能藉由這次的研討會讓國際間有相互交流經驗和意見的機會,並組成更密切的跨國網絡來共同打擊人口販運-一項跨國界的犯罪活動。我想要強調的是人口販運不同於一般的刑事案件。因為它不僅會傷害人民身體與財產,同時也用最嚴厲的方式剝削和摧毀人性-一種現代的奴隸行為。對於在座各位一致努力奉獻於對抗人口販運的工作,我要對諸位致上最高的敬意和感謝。

As the agency that coordinates the inter-ministerial efforts against human trafficking, the Ministry of the Interior proactively coordinates and integrates various agencies in the implementation of concrete measures adopted in the prevention and prosecution of human trafficking and the protection of its victims. In order to effectively deal with the cross-border patterns of human trafficking, the establishment of an international cooperative mechanism against human trafficking has been the key in the prevention of such trafficking. / 做為跨部會共同防制人口販運工作的機構,內政部正積極地協調並整合各個機構以便採取具體措施來防制及懲治人口販運並且保護人口販運的被害人。為了有效地打擊跨國模式的人口販運,設立一個國際性的合作機制以對抗人口販運已經成為是預防人口販運之一項重要的關鍵。

The inter-ministerial coordinating meeting was set up in 2008 and the National Immigration Agency drafted an anti-human trafficking project (2008-2010) with NT$39 million allocated to promote all kinds of relevant work to prevent human trafficking. The Immigration Act was amended and enforced on 1st August 2008 to offer a legal basis to safeguard the basic personal freedom, temporary right to stay, and short-term right to work of human trafficking victims. We are currently promoting the Anti-Human Trafficking Act. In accordance with this act, offenders’penalties will be increased in order to effectively curb the criminal activities of illegal human smuggling rings. / 內政部已在2008年成立防制人口販運跨部會協調會報,移民署也草擬「人口販運防制法草案」(2008-20010),而內政部也以新台幣三億九千萬元預算來推動所有與防制人口販運相關的工作。我們也順利完成了移民法的修定作業並在200881日起正式施行,以提供一項法律基礎來保障人口販運被害人的基本人權、臨時居留權和短期工作權。我們正在推動「人口販運防制法」。依照這項法案,對於違反人口販運的犯罪者我們將給予更高的刑罰,以便能有效地約束非法人口走私集團的犯罪活動。

I would like to use this opportunity to thank Mr. James Felte, Attorney of the US Justice Department, Ms. Panadda Changmanee, Representative of Vietnam NGOs, and Mr. Navuth Ya, Representative of Cambodia NGOs for taking the long trip to join us. I believe that everyone participating in this seminar will benefit tremendously. In addition, I hope that everyone will share his or her ideas and opinions without reserve about how we can prevent human trafficking and enhance international cooperation. Let’s put heads together to work out an effective and practicable solution. / 我想利用這個機會特地感謝美國司法部的吉姆費特檢察官,越南非政府組織的代表Panadda Changmanee女士和柬埔寨非政府組織的Navuth Ya先生,遠道而來參加我們的研討會。我深信參與這個研討會的每個人將獲得巨大的利益。此外,我希望每個人能夠毫無保留地和大家分享有關如何防制人口販運和提高國際合作的成效。讓我們將集思廣益地共同激厲出一套有效的和可行的解決方案。

Thank you again for your participation. I would like to wish you a successful seminar and everyone has a fruitful results. Thank you very much. / 再一次感謝您的熱情參與。祝本研討會成功順利,成果豐碩。非常感謝諸位。

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